The Volunteer Center of Trinidad and Tobago


Volunteer Code Of Conduct

The Volunteer Center of Trinidad and Tobago (VCTT) Code of Conduct is a guideline of expectations that are required of all our staff and volunteers. This guideline identifies your rights and responsibilities as a VCTT staff or volunteer and sets out the standards of behaviour that VCTT expects from you.

Compliance with this Code of Conduct is a condition of your relationship with us and should be regarded as a minimum standard that you should operate under. If you are unsure whether a decision you are about to make will breach the Code of Conduct, you should communicate immediately with your Project Supervisor or your Volunteer Impact Leader at VCTT. By working within the guidelines of the Code of Conduct you will be contributing to the success of VCTT and its partners.

SELFLESSNESS: Staff and volunteers should act for the goals of VCTT and its partners. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.


INTEGRITY: Staff and volunteers should act in a way that upholds their own dignity and the dignity of VCTT, its partners and its beneficiaries/clients. They should treat all individuals they come into contract with during a Project with a sense of dignity, respect, and worth.

COMMUNICATION: Staff and volunteers should be open, honest and respectful in their interactions with VCTT, its partners and beneficiaries/clients, in order to communicate effectively and achieve beneficial solutions to issues arising.

LEADERSHIP: Staff and volunteers should promote and support the principles of this Code by leadership and example.

In particular, Staff and Volunteers will:

  • a. Accept assignments consistent with their interest, abilities, and available time.
  • b. Accept assignments with an open mind and a willingness to learn.
  • c. Attend orientation and all relevant training/team building sessions. Training will form an exciting and important part of your volunteering experience and provides valuable information to help you to carry out your role.
  • d. Operate under their designated roles. However, staff and volunteers may also support additional activities or tasks where requested.
  • e. Be dependable, recognizing the commitment and responsibility to the assignment.
  • f. Attend the Projects he/she has committed to as failure to do so would negatively affect scheduling and relations with VCTT, its partners and its beneficiaries/clients. If a staff or volunteer, through emergency, cannot attend the project, a notice of at LEAST 24hrs is requested. This is to ensure we make alternative arrangements to fill your role. Failure to give notice may place additional pressure on existing staff and volunteers and damage the reputation of VCTT and its partners.
  • g. Arrive at the projects he/she has committed to promptly, and are expected to remain at the project until the agreed finishing times.
  • h. Be neatly groomed, presentable and maintain a high level of personal hygiene at all times when on duty.
  • i. Dress in a manner appropriate to the function in which you are engaged.
  • j. Display respect and courtesy for VCTT members, beneficiaries/clients, other Volunteers, staff of the Partner Organisation and any other persons you come into interaction with during the scope of the Project. Any form of aggressive, rude, offensive, or anti-social language or behaviour is not acceptable. In particular, any form of bullying or harassment will be treated with the utmost seriousness, and could ultimately lead to the removal/dismissal of a staff or volunteer.
  • k. Work cooperatively as a team member with other staff and volunteers.
  • l. Use cellular phones and computers on site ONLY if such usage does not distract from the task being performed.
  • m. Be open and honest in your dealings with VCTT and communicate your needs as well as the ways in which we can improve our volunteer program and the support that you receive. Also communicate clearly your limitations or reservations in respect of any Project you are assigned to.

If a staff or volunteer feels uncomfortable performing a specific task, he/she can calmly refuse to do the task as long as this is reported to their Project Supervisor or Volunteer Impact Leader at VCTT with the reason for doing so.

Confidential Information:
As a staff or volunteer you have an obligation to protect confidential or personal information in relation to other staff or volunteers and the Partner Organisations you are working with. If you have access to confidential information (including addresses or telephone numbers), you should never discuss or disclose such information to anyone other than the person/s authorised to receive it, both during and after your involvement with the organisation/event, except in circumstances in which you are required to disclose information by law.

Discrimination/Equal Opportunity:
VCTT is committed to ensuring that all volunteers, regardless of disability, gender and/or gender expression, age, ethnicity, religion or lack thereof, sexual orientation, marital status or nationality are treated equally in an inclusive environment of dignity, respect and freedom from discrimination, as such:

  • a. Staff and volunteers may not discriminate or encourage discrimination of any kind
  • b. If a staff or volunteer feels discriminated against in ANY way, he/she may lodge a complaint with a member of the Volunteer and Partner Impact (VPI) team and actions will be taken to prevent any such incident from occurring.

Facilities and Property:
VCTT and its partners have significant constraints on resources and have a high level of public accountability. We ask you to be efficient and economical and protect these assets. This covers all consumables and equipment including, but not confined to, items such as stationery, communication devices, computers, office equipment and other equipment. Property (including consumables) is not to be removed from the premises and/or used for private purposes without prior authority from your immediate supervisor/manager. You are not authorised to use any associated organization’s equipment such as faxes, photocopiers, PC’s and phones for private purposes.

Intellectual Property
Staff and volunteers agree to transfer all intellectual property rights and interests (including copyright) in any ideas or materials they create relating to their provision of services to VCTT.

Staff and volunteers are taken to consent to VCTT’s use of such creations in a manner reasonably contemplated by the voluntary services provided under this document. Any credit for such contributions will be provided at the discretion of VCTT. As a staff or volunteer you also agree not to bring any claim for infringement of your moral rights in respect of that use.

Health & Safety:
Staff and volunteers are required to exercise reasonable care in the course of your role to ensure the Health and Safety of yourself and others. In particular, staff and volunteers should operate under the following safety responsibilities:

  • a. Pay close attention and familiarize yourself with any associated facilities, especially exits and access points.
  • b. Familiarise yourself with any emergency plans for any associated venues (e.g. fire evacuations).
  • c. Cooperate fully with all associated staff at all times and follow emergency plans and procedures.
  • d. Do not use any equipment or machinery which you have not been trained to use.
  • e. Take care when lifting and carrying (e.g. don’t lift very heavy boxes).
  • f. Report any potential hazards to a member of staff.
  • g. In the event of fire/hazard or any other risk, remove yourself and warn others of imminent danger.
  • h. If you feel an activity is unsafe or you feel unwell report this to your supervisor.
  • i. Contribute to a safe and healthy workplace - don’t leave things lying around, keep work areas and passageways clear and tidy.
  • j. Report any injuries to a designated first-aider for assistance. This is to be done regardless of perceived severity of injury.

Staff and volunteers must read and adhere to all Safeguarding and Child Protection guidelines and procedures indicated in VCTT Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2020.

Failure to do so, will result in a breach of this Code of Conduct.

Staff and volunteers should register the acceptance of any gifts or entertainment, other than those of nominal value with your Project Supervisor. Gifts or entertainment, even of nominal value, should never be accepted if it could be seen as bribery. Where there is any doubt you should speak to your Project Supervisor. Requesting tips/gratuities is strictly forbidden.

Staff and volunteers are expected to maintain the highest professional, moral and ethical standards in their conduct with VCTT members, beneficiaries/clients, other Volunteers, staff of the Partner Organisation and any other persons you come into interaction with during the scope of the Project. All such interactions should be based upon mutual respect and trust with an understanding of the appropriate boundaries. In particular, staff and volunteers should maintain appropriate relationships with any child (a person under the age of 18) or youth (a person between the age of 12-29) they come into interaction with and be sensitive to any potential appearance of impropriety in their conduct.

Disciplinary actions:
If the Code of Conduct terms are violated, the staff or volunteer may be either expelled or have their membership suspended for a specified period at the discretion of the board. The member will have the opportunity to meet with the board and defend their case for retaining membership. Any volunteer under eighteen (18) years of age must be represented with a parent or guardian for hearing of any offence of gross misconduct. Staff and volunteers found to be engaging in criminal or illegal activity will be reported to the police.
Disciplinary actions related to Safeguarding and Child Protection misconduct are outlined in VCTT Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2020


Set out below are examples of behaviour which VCTT treats as gross misconduct. Such behaviour may render you liable to expulsion or suspension from VCTT’s membership without notice. You should note that this list is not exhaustive. Examples include:

  • a. inappropriate sexual behaviour
  • b. grooming, sexual behaviour or conduct and/or physical or emotional abuse of a child including exposing to or including a child in pornography;
  • c. theft, dishonesty, corruption or fraud;
  • d. assault, act of violence and exploitation, or aggression;
  • e. use of obscene or abusive language (including language of a discriminatory nature);
  • f. possession, sale, distribution or use of illegal or non-prescribed drugs on during the Project;
  • g. possession, sale or distribution of any firearms or dangerous weapons
  • h. possession, sale, distribution or consumption of alcohol during the Project, other than on occasions approved by VCTT;
  • i. serious incapability at work brought on by alcohol or non-prescribed drugs;
  • j. wilful damage to any Partner Organisation or VCTT’s property;
  • k. serious insubordination;
  • l. discrimination, harassment or bullying;
  • m. refusal to carry out reasonable management instructions;
  • n. gambling, bribery or corruption;
  • o. acts of indecency or sexual harassment;
  • p. serious breach of the health and safety policies and procedures, or endangering the health and safety of a fellow employee, client or third party;
  • q. breach of confidentiality;
  • r. bringing any Partner Organisation or VCTT into disrepute;
  • s. serious breach of the VCTT’s policies or procedures;
  • t. serious negligence which causes or might cause unacceptable loss, damage or injury; or
  • u. conviction of a criminal offence (except for minor road traffic offences) that impacts on your suitability to do your job or your relationship with VCTT.

Staff and volunteers must report concerns or suspicions regarding the above activities by colleagues including those within partner organisations. VCTT will take every step to maintain the anonymity of the person making the report as far as legally possible. Failure to make a report will also be considered a breach of conduct.

A grievance is a perceived or real issue which causes resentment, suffering or distress and which may be regarded as grounds for complaint. VCTT is committed to encouraging an open environment in which all staff and volunteer members can express themselves freely and responsibly, where issues raised are responded to in an appropriate and timely manner and where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

Where staff and volunteers encounter difficulties, they are encouraged to raise these with their Project Supervisor or Volunteer Impact Leader. If that is not feasible because the difficulty concerns one of those persons, they should raise the problem with the Volunteer and Partner Impact Head. The matter should not be left dormant, as this may cause the organisation much greater problems later on. These issues will be dealt with seriously and impartially and in a timely manner.

  • I agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.
  • I agree to carry out my tasks according to the rostered hours.
  • I agree to contact the Project Supervisor or Volunteer Impact Leader as early as possible if circumstances prevent my being able to undertake volunteering.

If I breach the Code of Conduct, I acknowledge I may be relieved of my duties and escorted from the project site. Such conduct may also result in denial of future volunteer applications.

I indicate that I have read this Code of Conduct and agree to the terms and conditions therein.
VCTT and its Partners want to provide a professional service to its staff and volunteers but we also want you to have fun and enjoy your work or volunteering experience. We would like you to know that time you give to volunteering is very much appreciated.